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The following research request has been sent to us by Joanna Brett. She is looking to speak to people who have attended at least 3 Hearing Voices Groups. Whilst we’ve spoken with Joanna whilst she formulated this research, we always suggest that you ask for an information sheet and – if needed – discuss it with people you trust before deciding whether or not to participate. Any questions about this research, please email Joanna directly.

Interested in taking part in research about hearing voices?

What do you think caused your voice-hearing? How did you come to believe that? 

My study, undertaken as part of my Doctoral of Clinical Psychology degree at the University of East London, explores how people who attend Hearing Voices groups make sense of their own experiences, and how the Hearing Voices group has affected this. We hope to learn more about what kind of group spaces help people who hear voices in feeling heard and supported. 

This research involves an anonymous interview where you’d be asked about your experiences with the Hearing Voices group, and about how you make sense of your voice-hearing or other unusual experiences. This interview will last for up to an hour.

You are eligible to participate in this study if you’ve attended at least three Hearing Voices group sessions, whether or not you still attend regularly. Unfortunately no payment is available for participating.

To ask questions or to express interest, please contact Joanna Brett at

If you have any concerns please contact the Chair of the School of Psychology Ethics Committee, Dr Trishna Patel at

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