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In partnership with Cardiff and Vale UHB, we are excited to be able to offer a limited number of places on our forthcoming ‘Living With, and Making Sense Of, Voices and Visions’ 2 day workshops in Cardiff.

To see the full range of workshops and book your place, see:

Download the workshop flyer here:

These two day workshops (from 10am-5pm various dates in March and May) include the opportunity to learn alongside staff from Cardiff and Vale UHB with a trainer from the National Hearing Voices Network with personal and professional experience of voice-hearing. They include:

A clear overview of the Hearing Voices Movement approach, including:

  • Understanding the diversity of voices and visions
  • Different ways people make sense of these experiences
  • Voices and visions in context (exploring links to relational, social, cultural, spiritual, historical and political worlds)
  • Strategies for living with difficult voices and visions
  • Working with, not on, voice-hearers to support their journeys
  • Accessing further support

A deeper look into some of the different routes people take to gain a greater understanding of their voices and visions.

Using practical exercises, group discussion and examples, participants will develop a toolbox of possibilities to support someone who hears voices or sees visions in their journey towards greater understanding and a more balanced relationship with their experiences.

The workshops are repeated four times during March and May 2024. There are limited places available, so please book your place asap. Places are available on a first come first served basis.


Who is the trainer? Fiona Malpass. Fiona works at Mind in Camden as the Hearing Voices Project Manager, working with young people, prisons, forensic settings and immigration removal centres, as well as the London Hearing Voices Network (LHVN). They have studied psychology and philosophy, work with the National Suicide Prevention Alliance as an Influencer, in addition to working as a freelance speaker and trainer. They approach a lot of their work from a lived experience perspective – Fiona has personal experience of many forms of distress, including hearing voices, and uses this in their work to build connections, as well as to challenge the status quo and provide provocations to ways of thinking or working.

Who is this workshop suitable for? The workshop is suitable for anyone who is interested in finding out more about voices and visions in order to support someone else. That might include support workers, peer support workers, counsellors, therapists, substance misuse staff, nurses, OTs, social workers, group facilitators and friends and family of people who hear voices. People with direct experience of hearing voices or seeing visions are welcome, however the focus will be on supporting others (so it’s a great opportunity to think about how to use your own experiences to be of use to others in the community).

Is there anyone this workshop isn’t suitable for? This workshop will be looking at voice-hearing from multiple perspectives. It’s important whoever attends is open to doing this. It’s also important that, if coming from a lived experience perspective that you feel in a position to hear others talk about voice-hearing (i.e. the experience isn’t so raw that the discussions are likely to make things more difficult for you).

Is lunch provided? Tea and coffee facilities will be available, but we are not able to provide lunch unfortunately. You are welcome to bring a packed lunch or access local facilities.

Parking and transport: Please see the eventbrite page for more information on the venues and parking/transport.

We ask that everyone who attends the workshop is willing to abide by the Intervoice Community Agreement:

If you have more questions about the training, please email us at Thank you.

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