We are a small national charity whose work is mostly carried out by volunteers (including the trustees).
Our aims are to:
- Raise awareness of the diversity of voices, visions and similar experiences
- Challenge negative stereotypes, stigma and discrimination
- Help create more spaces for people of all ages and backgrounds to talk freely about voice-hearing, visions and similar sensory experiences
- Raise awareness of a range of different ways to manage distressing, confusing or difficult voices
- Encourage a more positive response to voice-hearing and related experiences in healthcare settings and wider society
Some of the things we do:
- Sharing information and free resources through our website, social media, e-bulletin, newsletter and email information service
- Engaging with the media to present realistic and hopeful perspectives on hearing voices and related experiences
- Offering workshops, training and events – subject to resources
- Supporting members who want to set up a Hearing Voices Group
Some of the things we don’t do
- Run groups directly (we provide guidance and networking opportunities for those who do run groups)
- Provide crisis or long-term support (we connect people with available resources where possible)