Teresa Nevard, a Trainee Clinical Psychologist from UEA is currently carrying out a study into hearing voices and has asked us if we would publicise it on her behalf. She is particularly interested in people’s relationship with the voices that they hear. Please note: this study is being carried out independently to HVN so you will need to contact Teresa or her supervisors directly to find out more.
The following is taken directly from Teresa’s participation information sheet:
Participant Information Sheet.
An investigation of experiences of voice hearing.
Version 2: 20th January 2015
Please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R78Y7WM to take part.
Download: Participant Information Sheet
You have been invited to take part in a piece of research exploring people’s relationships with their voices. Before you decide whether you would like to give consent to take part, please take the time to read the following information, to help you understand why the research is being carried out and what it will involve.
The researchers
My name is Teresa Nevard. I am a Trainee Clinical Psychologist, and I am carrying out this study as part of a Doctoral qualification in Clinical Psychology at UEA (University of East Anglia). The research is being supervised by Dr Joanne Hodgekins (Clinical Psychologist).
What is the purpose of the research?
This study aims to gain an understanding of how people with voices view their voices in relation to themselves. It is hoped that this study will enhance understanding and promote new ideas and ways of thinking about voices.
Who is being invited to participate?
We are looking for 82 adults over 18 to take part in the study. Participants must be able to complete questionnaires in English, and hear voices that other people can’t. For the purposes of this study, we are interested in voices which have a voice-like quality and can be understood (conversational or odd words and phrases). We are looking for participants who consider that they have some kind of relationship with their voice/voices. This relationship could be positive, negative or mixed.
Do I have to take part?
No. Your participation is totally voluntary. Before taking part you will be asked to complete a consent form online. If you have further questions, you may email the researcher before, during or after the study (t.nevard@uea.ac.uk). In making your decision you may wish to seek advice from somebody independent. For example, a friend, family member, facilitator of your hearing voices group or trusted professional.
What will happen if I take part?
If you agree to take part in the study you will be asked to firstly give consent. You will then be given several questionnaires to complete. These will assess your relationship with your voice/voices and your other relationships. You will then be asked to fill in some brief non identifiable questions about yourself (e.g. age). Finally, you will be asked if you would like to enter a draw to win one of 10 £20 Amazon vouchers for your participation.
Can I stop taking part if I change my mind?
If you decide to take part in the study you can change your mind about participating and withdraw from the study if you have not yet completed it. However, once you have finished the questionnaire you will not be able to withdraw your data.
Will my taking part in this study be anonymous and kept confidential?
Yes. All the collected data will be anonymous and treated as confidential. A number will be used to link the different measures and this will not be able to be linked with your details in any way. All information that we enter on the computer will be secured with a password. Once the study is completed, all the information will be securely stored and archived at the University of East Anglia for 10 years.
What will happen to the results of the research study?
The information collected will be written up as a thesis and submitted for publication in a relevant journal. You will not be identified in any of these articles. If you are interested in finding out about the results from the study you will be given a chance at the end of the study to leave your email or postal address. These details will be kept separate from your responses and will not be able to be linked in any way. After we have sent you information about what we have found your email/postal addresses will be destroyed.
What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?
You will be asked to answer questions about your views about your voice and relationships generally. It is possible that you may feel some distress during the task. If you do feel distress, you may stop completing the study at any point. If you feel distressed at any point during or after the task, then you are encouraged to contact the researcher, or your local General Practitioner (GP), or mental health support services such as MIND (08457 660163) or Samaritans (08457 909090).
What are the potential benefits of taking part?
The information we get from this study will help improve understandings of the experience of voice-hearing for both researchers and professionals.
What if there is a problem?
If you have a concern about any aspect of this study, you can contact me and I will do my best to answer your questions. Alternatively you could contact my research supervisor, Joanne Hodgekins (see contact details below). If you remain unhappy and wish to complain formally, you can contact Dr Ken Laidlaw (Director of the UEA Clinical Psychology Course on 01603 593076.
Who has reviewed the study?
This study has been reviewed and approved by the UEA Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee.
Further Information
If there is anything that is not clear or you would like any further information please contact me or my supervisor Jo.
Teresa Nevard
Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology,
Department of Psychological Sciences
Norwich Medical School
University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park
Dr Jo Hodgekins
Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology,
Department of Psychological Sciences
Norwich Medical School
University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park