By recruiting a team of Associate Trainers, we hope to use the HVN message to bring about real change to the way people who hear voices are understood and treated by mental health services. These trainers will use their skills to inform, challenge, guide and inspire practitioners – offering a select range of high quality training opportunities, including: Supporting People who Hear Voices, Service User Involvement and an Introduction to the Hearing Voices Movement. We will also offer more in depth Hearing Voices Group Network Development Programmes.
Are You Interested in Becoming an Associate Trainer
We are currently looking for trainers who can deliver the standard courses, and trainers who can deliver the development programme – you may wish to apply for one or both of these dependent on your skills and experience. Over time we will broaden the range of our training offer in response to demand and feedback from trainers and trainees.
Associate Trainers will be called upon to offer training as and when needed; we cannot guarantee a minimum number of sessions and candidates should be clear that building the new role will be an incremental process. We will be asking our small team of Associate Trainers to help build the programme over the coming months.
The closing date for applications is 28 February 2014 and interviews will take place during the last week of March. If you are successful you will receive written confirmation and further information on the interview process.
Associate Trainer Pack
Please read the information below carefully before applying for the associate trainer role, and email if you have any questions.
Associate Trainer – Initial Letter
Associate Trainer – Person Specification
HVN – Associate Trainer Pack 2013
Associate Trainer Job Application Form