Please note: The following is from Voice Collective, a London-wide project supporting children and young people who hear voices. Please contact them directly to ask about this event as HVN are not running it ourselves. Thank you.
After lots of enquiries from young people in the North East, Voice Collective are holding an ‘Open Event’ for young people who hear voices or see visions and the people who support them. Please help them spread the world with young people, families and youth workers that might benefit from it.
Come along to this open session, and:
- find out about Voice Collective
- meet other young people who hear voices or see visions
- find out about how people can learn to cope with difficult voices or visions
- hear from people who have recovered from overwhelming experiences
- challenge the stigma around voice-hearing
- help us plan the best way of launching Voice Collective group(s) in the North East of England
Who is it for?
- Young people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual experiences
- Parents, carers & family members
- Youth workers (including CAMHS, EIP, Support Workers, Counsellors …)
- People interested in supporting the development of Voice Collective in The North
For more information, please contact Voice Collective:
Email: or call 020 7625 9042
Book your place online:
Download and distribute: Bradford VC Flyer