A FREE event for young people who hear voices or see visions
Saturday 12th November, 1.30 – 4.30pm, Blackfriars Settlement (London)
Sometimes, when you’re struggling with voices and other difficult experiences, it can feel like everything is out of your control. At school, home, college or within CAMHS – it might seem like people don’t really understand what you’re going through.
This workshop gives you the chance to meet other young people, building up your skills and confidence through:
- Self-advocacy: Working out what you want, and how to get it
- Campaigning: Using your experiences to help create a campaign to beat the stigma surrounding voice-hearing in schools
This workshop is open to any young person (aged 18 or under) who hears or sees things that other people don’t
For more information and to book, please contact:
Claire or Rachel @ Voice Collective:
T: 020 7625 9042
Get Your Voice Heard – Booking Form