This is a request for research participants posted on behalf of Hannah. For more information, please contact Hannah directly on Thank you.
- Are you a young person (under 25) who hears voices?
- Would you like to contribute to our understanding of the experience voice hearing for young people?
Hello, my name is Hannah, I am a postgraduate researcher at UCL and the Anna Freud Centre, in London. I am looking for young people (living in the UK) to take part in a research project on hearing voices.
What is the project about?
We are collecting stories about the experience of voice hearing for young people. We want to know what hearing voices is like and what your voices mean to you, in your own words (or chosen form of expression- artwork is welcome too!). We are particularly interested in the meaning you give to your voices, your relationship to them and your ideas and theories about where they come from as well as how you negotiate questions of personal identity and cope with them on a day-to-day basis.
What would I have to do?
If you would like to take part, I would invite you to a meeting where I would ask you to tell me about your experience of hearing voices. There are no tests or questionnaires to fill out; we simply want to hear your stories. Our conversation would last between 50 minutes to an hour, or for as long as you wish to talk.
Do I have to take part?
You do not have to take part, and you are free to withdraw at any time.
Is it confidential?
We would record and write up what you say, as words can be powerful tools for storytelling and we believe it is important that people listen to the first-person accounts of voice hearers. However, your name will not be linked to your words, and any details that could identify you (e.g. where you live, your pet’s name, etc.) will be removed.
I might be interested – how do I get in touch?
If you would like some more information, please get in touch via email by sending a mail to Please note this does not mean you have consented to take part.
Many thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
UCL Ethics number: 6496/001