After what has been a really difficult and dislocated year, Hearing Voices Network Ireland (HVNI) have released a little glimmer of something to look forward to – they will be hosting the 12th Annual International Hearing Voices Congress in Cork in late August/early September 2021 (exact dates TBC).
The Congress is organised by HVNI, supported by Fáilte Ireland, through the Cork Convention Bureau, and by the Cork Conference Centre at University College Cork. The venue for the conference is University College Cork.
Not really knowing where things will be re the pandemic in late summer 2021, the conference will adopt a hybrid model, with hopefully many delegates being able to travel to Cork, and others across the globe joining and/or contributing online.
It’s exciting that, after taking place in the US and Quebec in recent years, there will be a congress that is perhaps easier for many of our membership to attend (either online or in person).
When we know more we will share it with you.
Queries to Harry Gijbels at See: