Bookings Are Now Open
The 2011 World Hearing Voices Congress & Intervoice Meeting is taking place in Italy between 1st and 3rd September.
The congress theme this year is ‘Living With Voices – Paths To Recovery’ and it is sure to be a wonderful and inspiring event.
The Congress is open for bookings now, and the organisers recommend booking early to secure accommodation.
Presentations (morning)
- Epidemiological research on voices
- Emancipatory pride as crucial factor in the recovery process
- Freedom as participation: a user led research on the recovery of voice hearers
- Using medications wisely and coming off medication
- Recovery factors; or what helps and what doesn’t
- Emergency strategies to cope with voices
Workshops (afternoon)
- Exploring the relationship between voices and life history
- Support during psychotic episodes
- Recovery processes (of voice hearers, professionals and family members)
- Coping strategies (voice dialogue, relaxation techniques and yoga, talking to aggressive voices)
- Hearing voices groups: freedom and structure
Languages of the Congress are English and Italian (with simultaneous translation of plenary sessions)
For more information